Ransomware Threat Response - Cybersecop
Cybercriminals launched ransomware attacks against at least 269 organizations last year, and they have shown no signs of slowing down in 2020. Several ransomware attacks have been reported during the first few days of 2020, including: Contra Costa County, California: Hackers used ransomware to shut down the online network of 26 Contra Costa County library branches, according to KGO. County officials indicated that there is currently no Wi-Fi or printing available at affected library branches. Richmond Community Schools: Cybercriminals seized control of the servers at Richmond Community Schools in Richmond, Michigan, CBS News reported. They demanded a $10,000 ransom to return control of the affected servers, and Richmond officials have refused to pay the ransom. Enloe Medical Center: Hackers used ransomware to encrypt and block access to data at Enloe Medical Center in Chico, California, Enterp...